What is Legaltech Tapas?

Legaltech Tapas is a regular podcast that serves up bite sized summaries of the latest legal tools, what they do and why you might use them.

Each episode the host discusses a different legal tool and interviews a guest from that company, so you can hear directly from the horses mouth why you should be using their product.

Why you should Subscribe.

You want to stay up to date on the latest legal technology but don’t have time to read every website, call every vendor or decipher what every piece of marketing jargon really means.

Interested in featuring your product?

Do you have an innovative legal software you want to talk about? If so we’d love to hear from you.

Please contact Andrew Jardine at andrewjardine123@gmail.com for further information.

About the host.

Andrew is a legaltech enthusiast + ex mgt consultant + former Kira Systems employee.

As an early stage joiner at Kira, Andrew saw time and time again that customers struggled to understand the many new legal technologies entering the market and didn’t have good resources to go to for support.

Legaltech Tapas is one small effort to address that.

Subscribe to Legaltech Tapas

Bite sized summaries of the latest legal technologies + who should use them + guest interviews.